Energy security dialogue at the OSCE forum


A lady in red blazer speaking in a meeting, seated next to two men in black blazer

Sunna Björg Reynisdóttir, project manager at EFLA Consulting Engineers attended the OSCE Economic and Environmental forum that took place in Prague on 11-13 of september.

The Forum

The Concluding Meeting of the 27th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum was dedicated to “Promoting economic progress and security in the OSCE area through energy co-operation, new technologies, good governance and connectivity in the digital era” took place in Prague on 11-13 September 2019 and focused on the following topics:

  • Strengthening good environmental governance and ensuring sustainable development
  • Catalyzing efforts to improve the environmental footprint in the OSCE region
  • Strengthening dialogue for co-operation on energy security in the OSCE area
  • The impact of digital transformation and new technologies on economies and societies in the OSCE region
  • Good and transparent governance in the development of digital economies and societies

Sunna Björg Reynisdóttir, project manager at EFLA, attended the forum, where she participated in session III – "Strengthening dialogue for co-operation on energy security in the OSCE area." The session focused on:

  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency for a sustainable future
  • Impact of technological innovation in the energy sector
  • Opportunities and challenges in the energy transition
  • Making smarter energy networks and protecting them in the digital era

Sunna gave a presentation on energy transition and energy security as well as the resilience provided with local renewable sources. The presentation focused on the energy transition Reykjavík and Iceland have undergone during the last century, switching from Oil and coal, and being completely reliant on imported energy to utilizing local renewable energy both for electricity and heating. Touching on the development of the system and it's initial opposition from sceptics, cost of the investments in the new system as well as the environmental benefits. Where the energy transition has saved over 414 million tons of CO2, accumulated since 1912 until 2016.

The Economic and Environmental Forum is the main meeting-cycle within the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE. Its objectives are to identify needs and priorities, to raise awareness and to stimulate the political will of the 57 OSCE participating States in dealing with economic, environmental and security related challenges, to share best practices, as well as to provide a platform for dialogue with representatives of International Organizations, the business and academic communities, and civil society.

The Forum is the main and highest level annual meeting of the OSCE dealing with economic, environmental and security questions. More than 400 representatives from government, civil society, business and international organizations regularly participate in the event. Its key task is two-fold: to inject political stimulus into the debate; and to help draft recommendations and define follow-up action on such issues as energy security, migration, water management and good governance.