Committed to Sustainability


Gepthermal pool in Iceland.

Experts from EFLA Consulting engineers will attend the Iceland Geothermal Conference at the Harpa Conference Hall in Reykjavik, Iceland, from May 28th to 30th. Now in its fifth year, this internationally recognised event brings together industry and policy leaders worldwide.

Three speakers from EFLA

At the conference, speakers will explore how geothermal solutions transform urban landscapes and achieve zero carbon footprints. This year's highlights include discussions on profitability in a green economy, climate resilience, innovation for sustainability, sustainable society building, and diversity in geothermal energy.

Three distinguished speakers represent EFLA at the conference: Aron Óttarsson, Alexandra Kjeld, and Reynir Sævarsson. These experts, renowned in their fields, will share their insights on geothermal energy and sustainability. In addition, our esteemed colleagues, Birta Kristín Helgadóttir and Hulda Kristín Helgadóttir, will serve as moderators. EFLA will also showcase its capabilities at a dedicated booth in the exhibition area.

Geothermal energy, water, and lagoons

The title of Aron Óttarsson's presentation is Geothermal Lagoon. With his talk, Aron will address some of the critical design criteria, such as the energy requirements and water quality maintenance, along with some of the main design challenges associated with the high mineral concentrations and their solutions.

Reynir Sævarsson's presentation is called Actions and Plans to Increase Energy Security in the Suðurnes Region due to Volcanic Activity. There, Reynir will discuss strategies to enhance energy security in the Suðurnes region in response to seismic activities. The talk outlines how communities managed to maintain heating during the Njarðvík primary conduit outage and the contingency plans for rapid repairs or alternative solutions if major production facilities fail.

Geothermal Utilisation in Iceland is the name of Alexandra Kjeld's presentation. Aside from providing electricity and hot water to communities and businesses, geothermal energy has been utilised in a much broader context and is now considered one of the key factors in climate mitigation, circularity, and food security.

Further information about EFLA at The Iceland Geothermal Conference.